Friday, September 24, 2010

Jude turns 1!

Jude is our insanely adorable nephew. We have been so lucky to watch him grow and document some pretty fun milestones in his first year. We consider ourselves the official Jude Doland historian :)  He is such a  sweet and already incredibly smart little boy. We just can't get over how cute he is and how much we love this little guy! His birthday party was Disney themed, so of course he had a Mickey Mouse outfit for his big day and of course we had to incorporate it into his shoot. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kynzi & Kylea

Kynzi and Kylea are the tiniest things I have ever seen. They were such sweet little angels, I could have held them all day. We just found out yesterday that we are expecting a sweet baby girl, so putting this post together made me so insanely giddy! 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dustin, Shelly, Louie & Norman

Dustin and Shelly have been married for almost two years now and wanted some new images of themselves and their awesome dogs Louie and Norman. You can't help but be happy around these two. Love and life just pours out of them.  Looking through these makes me want to call them up and hang out. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Darling Kate

Kate is my (Savannah) cousin Amy's little girl. It took a little while for her to warm up to us, so balloons and lollipops were all of our best friends.  Kate is absolutely precious and those wild curls are just too sweet!